
for supporting processes

on the way to

sustainable development

Response to key ESG challenges

Simplify the capture, consolidation, management, analysis and reporting of your environmental, social and governance (ESG) data. IBM Envizi platform offered by Solet simplifies ESG reporting through a system of record that provides reliable ESG data and auditable GHG calculations, streamlines reporting and disclosure, and accelerates decarbonization.

ESG disclosures

GHG calculation and reporting

Achieving decarbonization targets

Driving engagement and action

ESG disclosures

Capture your ESG data in a single system of record with ESG reporting software.
IBM® Envizi™ IBM Envizi software integrates a suite of products that help capture all ESG data and manage it in a single system of record and reporting. It brings confidence that the data is auditable and meets financial criteria. The tool enables reporting according to external frameworks, such as GRI, ESRS, SASB, GRESB, UN SDGs and others, by consolidating questions from these frameworks in a format that can be easily exported.

IBM Envizi supports the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) as a managed framework to help companies comply with the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

IBM Envizi - ESG Reporting Frameworks module includes over 1,000 questions from major international reporting frameworks, such as ESRS to help comply with CSRD, SASB, GRI, UN SDGs and TCFD

  • The platform supports the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) as a managed framework to help companies comply with the upcoming EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
  • The Framework questions include guidance on best practices for responding, as well as information - where to find ESG indicators in the system
  • Dashboard access for global teams eliminates the need for error-prone data collection methods, such as email and shared documents
  • Create custom questions to track specific reporting requirements that are not covered by the public ESG framework

IBM Envizi - Building Ratings + Benchmarks reporting software allows you to capture, analyze and track building footprint metrics across your entire property portfolio

  • Capture building footprint and utility data, calculate ratings and benchmark and track building performance in one place
  • Track indicative building ratings performance against targets on a monthly basis to provide actionable insights for making improvements that bolster ratings
  • Reporting tools allow you to send data directly to individual frameworks as Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark and ENERGY STAR®, without need to manually manipulate data in spreadsheets outside the system platform

IBM Envizi - Value Chain Surveys + Assessments module - the digital portal enables stakeholders to share qualitative and quantitative ESG performance data based on customized survey templates

  • Collect ESG data from third parties for value chain analysis within a single platform and assess ESG performance for competitive advantage of individual supplier
  • Allow your value chain stakeholders to ask questions and communicate with you or other team members through a single platform
  • Create a custom scoring system to assess and benchmark the ESG performance of your value chain stakeholders based on their survey responses
  • Compare supplier data to identify supply chain hotspots that need attention or corrective action
ESG Reporting Frameworks

IBM Envizi - ESG Reporting Frameworks module includes over 1,000 questions from major international reporting frameworks, such as ESRS to help comply with CSRD, SASB, GRI, UN SDGs and TCFD

  • The platform supports the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) as a managed framework to help companies comply with the upcoming EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
  • The Framework questions include guidance on best practices for responding, as well as information - where to find ESG indicators in the system
  • Dashboard access for global teams eliminates the need for error-prone data collection methods, such as email and shared documents
  • Create custom questions to track specific reporting requirements that are not covered by the public ESG framework
Building Ratings + Benchmarks
IBM Envizi - Building Ratings + Benchmarks reporting software allows you to capture, analyze and track building footprint metrics across your entire property portfolio

  • Capture building footprint and utility data, calculate ratings and benchmark and track building performance in one place
  • Track indicative building ratings performance against targets on a monthly basis to provide actionable insights for making improvements that bolster ratings
  • Reporting tools allow you to send data directly to individual frameworks as Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark and ENERGY STAR®, without need to manually manipulate data in spreadsheets outside the system platform
Value Chain Surveys + Assessments
IBM Envizi - Value Chain Surveys + Assessments module - the digital portal enables stakeholders to share qualitative and quantitative ESG performance data based on customized survey templates

  • Collect ESG data from third parties for value chain analysis within a single platform and assess ESG performance for competitive advantage of individual supplier
  • Allow your value chain stakeholders to ask questions and communicate with you or other team members through a single platform
  • Create a custom scoring system to assess and benchmark the ESG performance of your value chain stakeholders based on their survey responses
  • Compare supplier data to identify supply chain hotspots that need attention or corrective action

Emissions Management

Accurately calculate and report GHG emissions and track progress towards decarbonization goals with GHG emissions management software. IBM® Envizi™ software integrates a suite of products that help accurately calculate, track and report Scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data at a granular level. It supports setting decarbonization targets, tracking progress towards emissions-reduction goals, identifying areas where emission reduction efforts should be focused.

IBM Envizi - Scope 1, 2 GHG Accounting + Reporting carbon accounting software streamlines your entire process with a powerful emissions calculation engine built on the GHG Protocol.

  • Built on the GHG Protocol, the embedded emissions calculation engine incorporates a global library of over 40,000 managed emissions factors, including those from the US EPA, eGRID, DEFRA, country electricity factors from IEA, residual mix factors from the US and Europe and publicly available frameworks in other regions.
  • Categorize carbon offsets and renewable energy certificates as GHG reductions outside of your carbon inventory to ensure accurate emissions calculations
  • Customizable organizational hierarchy allows structuring of thousands of data streams from Scopes 1 and 2 to meet reporting requirements
  • Ability to manage custom and third-party emission factor sets to address your organization’s emissions reporting needs

IBM Envizi - Scope 3 GHG Accounting + Reporting module offers coverage across all Scope 3 categories (upstream and dawnstream), using the GHG calculation engine to apply GHG Protocol-compliant calculation methods supported by a robust data management system

  • Over 40 variations of GHG calculation methodologies across the Scope 3 categories
  • Scope 3 emissions are automatically calculated utilizing the relevant GHG Protocol calculation method. AI-driven Natural Language Processing (NLP) models support data categorization for spend-based calculations, and emissions factors are drawn from embedded libraries
  • Summaries of calculation accuracy by data type - based on calculation methodology - help improve your sustainability reporting accuracy year-on-year and identify any data governance issues that arise

IBM Envizi – Target Setting + Tracking module simplifies and automates the process of capturing and tracking GHG performance against targets at different levels of the organization

  • Set and track the performance of your consumption, energy and emissions-reduction targets to help accelerate the delivery of your decarbonization goals
  • Intuitive dashboards help identify carbon emissions reduction opportunities, develop a carbon management strategy and track the impact of your various sustainability projects
  • Built-in tools help engage stakeholders and improve accountability for results at all levels of the organization
  • Bulk create and edit target data using blank or pre-populated Excel templates
  • The module captures and aggregates high-volume supplier and product-level transaction data for Scope 3 emissions and reporting focusing on Category 1 – Purchased Goods & Services. 
Scope 1, 2 GHG Accounting + Reporting
IBM Envizi - Scope 1, 2 GHG Accounting + Reporting carbon accounting software streamlines your entire process with a powerful emissions calculation engine built on the GHG Protocol.

  • Built on the GHG Protocol, the embedded emissions calculation engine incorporates a global library of over 40,000 managed emissions factors, including those from the US EPA, eGRID, DEFRA, country electricity factors from IEA, residual mix factors from the US and Europe and publicly available frameworks in other regions.
  • Categorize carbon offsets and renewable energy certificates as GHG reductions outside of your carbon inventory to ensure accurate emissions calculations
  • Customizable organizational hierarchy allows structuring of thousands of data streams from Scopes 1 and 2 to meet reporting requirements
  • Ability to manage custom and third-party emission factor sets to address your organization’s emissions reporting needs
Scope 3 GHG Accounting + Reporting
IBM Envizi - Scope 3 GHG Accounting + Reporting module offers coverage across all Scope 3 categories (upstream and dawnstream), using the GHG calculation engine to apply GHG Protocol-compliant calculation methods supported by a robust data management system

  • Over 40 variations of GHG calculation methodologies across the Scope 3 categories
  • Scope 3 emissions are automatically calculated utilizing the relevant GHG Protocol calculation method. AI-driven Natural Language Processing (NLP) models support data categorization for spend-based calculations, and emissions factors are drawn from embedded libraries
  • Summaries of calculation accuracy by data type - based on calculation methodology - help improve your sustainability reporting accuracy year-on-year and identify any data governance issues that arise
Target Setting + Tracking
IBM Envizi – Target Setting + Tracking module simplifies and automates the process of capturing and tracking GHG performance against targets at different levels of the organization

  • Set and track the performance of your consumption, energy and emissions-reduction targets to help accelerate the delivery of your decarbonization goals
  • Intuitive dashboards help identify carbon emissions reduction opportunities, develop a carbon management strategy and track the impact of your various sustainability projects
  • Built-in tools help engage stakeholders and improve accountability for results at all levels of the organization
  • Bulk create and edit target data using blank or pre-populated Excel templates
  • The module captures and aggregates high-volume supplier and product-level transaction data for Scope 3 emissions and reporting focusing on Category 1 – Purchased Goods & Services.


Accelerate sustainability initiatives and improve emissions performance.
The decarbonization software products from IBM® Envizi™ support organizations on their journey to reduce emissions. This suite of products facilitates the ongoing monitoring, analysis, management and reporting of energy and emissions across large and complex organizations. Automated data from utility bills, interval meters and renewable assets combined with other data sources, such as weather and facility information, provides the granular insights for informed decisions on resource allocation and usage. Planning and forecasting tools also enable users to conduct emissions planning, simulation, run optimization models and carry out performance simulations.

IBM Envizi - Utility Bill Analytics module enables consolidation and analysis all utility billing data in one place to identify anomalies and reduce costs and consumption

  • Analyze and report utility cost, consumption and savings across different geographical regions, facility types and groups
  • Convert consumption into different metrics to support your reporting requirements without the complexity of spreadsheets and error-prone manual calculations
  • Identify significant variances in your utility cost and consumption data that can impact your bottom line
  • Built-in regression modelling tool normalizes energy performance for weather and KPI metrics so you can measure and verify savings over time

IBM Envizi - Interval Meter Analytics module automates the capture of meter data and leverage analytics and workflow tools to detect anomalies, rase energy waste alerts and drive efficiency and decarbonization across facilities

  • Automatically capture high volume, high frequency interval meter data from utility meter providers and sub-metering systems
  • Perform regression analysis to normalize energy performance for weather and KPI metrics, so you can measure and track savings against baseline periods over time
  • Track meter-based anomalies regarding energy usage and automatically notify the right people when alert conditions are breached

IBM Envizi- Sustainability Program Tracking module generates, captures and tracks ESG and sustainability program data such as forecasts, timelines, cash flow, objectives and deliverables in a central system

  • Track and manage ESG and sustainability initiatives to ensure program outcomes are achieved on time and within budget
  • Monitor diverse ESG projects, extending beyond emissions-reduction or energy efficiency programs to monitor other sustainability projects such as waste diversion, water reduction and recycling projects
  • Generate project financial metrics such as internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV)
  • Monitor which location or group of sites are performing well when compared to their sustainability initiatives milestones and which may require intervention
Utility Bill Analytics
IBM Envizi - Utility Bill Analytics module enables consolidation and analysis all utility billing data in one place to identify anomalies and reduce costs and consumption

  • Analyze and report utility cost, consumption and savings across different geographical regions, facility types and groups
  • Convert consumption into different metrics to support your reporting requirements without the complexity of spreadsheets and error-prone manual calculations
  • Identify significant variances in your utility cost and consumption data that can impact your bottom line
  • Built-in regression modelling tool normalizes energy performance for weather and KPI metrics so you can measure and verify savings over time
Interval Meter Analytics
IBM Envizi - Interval Meter Analytics module automates the capture of meter data and leverage analytics and workflow tools to detect anomalies, rase energy waste alerts and drive efficiency and decarbonization across facilities

  • Automatically capture high volume, high frequency interval meter data from utility meter providers and sub-metering systems
  • Perform regression analysis to normalize energy performance for weather and KPI metrics, so you can measure and track savings against baseline periods over time
  • Track meter-based anomalies regarding energy usage and automatically notify the right people when alert conditions are breached
Sustainability Program Tracking
IBM Envizi- Sustainability Program Tracking module generates, captures and tracks ESG and sustainability program data such as forecasts, timelines, cash flow, objectives and deliverables in a central system

  • Track and manage ESG and sustainability initiatives to ensure program outcomes are achieved on time and within budget
  • Monitor diverse ESG projects, extending beyond emissions-reduction or energy efficiency programs to monitor other sustainability projects such as waste diversion, water reduction and recycling projects
  • Generate project financial metrics such as internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV)
  • Monitor which location or group of sites are performing well when compared to their sustainability initiatives milestones and which may require intervention


Ready to use SaaS solution


Avoids the large scale, higher costs, and riskier elements of a typical implementation project that occur with traditional forms of software delivery.

Implementation methodology


We configure your groups, locations, accounts and meters, prepare workshops on reporting and conducting sustainable development processes, create an automated methodology for capturing data

Setup schedule


16-24 weeks from signing the contract


