Data Science
We discover the mysteries of
Data Science
Numbers rule the world
– Pythagoras
Data Science is meant to serve the people, not the other way around. We invite you to discover the advanced business analytics, accompanied by Solet Data Scientists. During the tour we offer advanced data analysis on demand with your personal tour guide in the world of Data Science. For those of you, who don't want to pack their data and set off for a journey, we will be pleased to organize the in –company Data Science Workshop in your organisation.
Analytics on demand
Show us your data and we will tell you how big their potential is. Equipped with tools and knowledge of Data Science, we run prescriptive and predictive analyses on demand. We communicate results of our work to you as conclusions and recommendations which will help you to prepare your business optimally to what is going to happen.
Personal Data Scientist
You are not alone in an unfamiliar world. You can always count on our support and company of one of our Data Scientists. Common work towards building advanced analytics models, interpretation of results and detection of new valuable conclusions for your business are a tour from which you will return knowing more and more.
Data Science training
Nothing is as remote as to be beyond the reach of people and nothing is as hidden as to be undiscoverable. We will train your team, sharing knowledge and available tools with them. Together we will reveal the secrets of black-box of Data Science so that you will understand the information hidden in your data, particularly the part referring to the future.
We discover the bigger value for business using techniques of advanced data analysis. Due to diagnostic analytics we explain the cause and effect of historical data and we answer the question: why did it happen?Predictive models concern the future and help figure out what can happen?Good understanding of the past and forecast of the future are the basis of optimal decisions how to make something as good as possible?which are the objects of prescriptive analytics. Our credo is that advanced means applied.
Diagnostic analyses
Intelligent data analysis with use of queries in natural languages, self-service exploration techniques, cause-and-effect drill down, visualisation wizards and making discovered relationships available in a telling-story formula.
Predictive analyses
Advanced analyses include ad-hoc statistic analyses, predictive modelling, data exploration, text analysis, entity analytics, real time estimation, machine learning and other techniques.
Prescriptive analyses
Solving optimisation problems based on constraints programming, mathematical programming algorithms, such as linear programming LP, mixed integer programming MIP, quadratic programming QP, QCP, MIQP, MIQCP.
Descriptive analyses
Predictive analyses
Prescriptive analyses
Wnioskowanie bayesowskie
Autor: dr Tomasz Walczyński, Data Scientist, Solet
Data Science Experience, wszystkie narzędzia w jednym miejscu
Autor: Ewa Gruszka, Technical Sales Predictive Analytics, IBM
Czy możemy skutecznie wyszukiwać anomalie, podobnie jak znanego Wally’ego?
Adam Gozdalik, Data Scientist, Solet
Technologies and tools

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